Drop Tables
The drop system rewards players appropriately by ensuring they receive suitable items at each level, preventing mismatches in gear. It also helps maintain stable market values, fostering a balanced in-game economy.
Boss Drop
Maya Hands | Nightmare | Medusa |
Selupan | Lord Silvester | Core Magriffy |
Lord Ferea | Nix | God of Darkness |
Kundun | Erohim | Boss Battle Together |
(1) All bosses may drop Bless of Light, Miracle Coins and Ruuds. All bosses give Goblin Points.
(2) Last hit will determine who get the rewards when a boss is killed. Goblin Points are spread among party users.
Mini-Boss Drop
Giant | Elite Goblin | Hideous Rabbit |
Ice Queen | Gorgon | Sea Worm |
Balrog | Hydra | Bloody Monsters |
Hero Mutant | Zaikan | Omega Wing |
Warrior Monsters | Hero Monsters | Salamander |
Undine | Sapi Queen | Elemental Monsters |
Gollock | Dark Monsters | Sylphid |
Ice Napin | Hellraiser | Deep Dungeon Gorgon |
Gnomes | Shadow Master |
(1) All mini-bosses may drop Jewels, Mithrils and Elemental Runes. All mini-bosses give Goblin Points.
(2) Last hit will determine who get the rewards when a mini-boss is killed. Goblin Points are spread among party users.
(3) Golden Sentence can be obtained from DD Gorgon, Gnomes and Shadow Master.
Elites Drop
Atlans Abbys | Scorched Canyon | Crimson Icarus |
Arenil Temple | Ashy Aida | Blaze Ketothum |
Kanturu Underground | Ignis Volcano | Bloody Tarkan |
Tormenta Island | Twisted Karutan | Kardamahal Underground |
(1) All elites may drop Golden Sentence, Jewels, Mithrils and Elemental Runes. All elites give Goblin Points.
(2) Last hit will determine who get the rewards when a mini-boss is killed. Goblin Points are spread among party users.
Invasion Drop
Death King | Red Dragon | White Wizard |
(1) This is the best way to accumulate jewels and get richer. All invasion monsters give Goblin Points.
Box Drop
Box of Kundun +1 | Box of Kundun +2 | Box of Kundun +3 |
Box of Kundun +4 | Box of Kundun +5 | Elemental Capsule |
Minor Standard | Evomon Standard | Evomon Greater |
Evomon Luxurious | Evomon Magnificent | Evomon Legendary |
(1) All Box of Kundun may drop Excellent Jewelry and Jewels. All golden monsters give Goblin Points.
(2) Box Drop is a sample of items you can find from these boxes. If you're looking for something similar, you'll know where to find it..